• Question: when someone asks you a question have you ever struggled to answer it?

    Asked by neenee1999 to Charlotte, Dhvanil, Frank, Jim, Leila on 12 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Charlotte Kemp

      Charlotte Kemp answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Yes, sometimes. I don’t know all of the answers and sometimes i simply just have to say “i don’t know”. But usually there are ways to find out more and so in that situation i will often go away and do some research and that often helps me to find the answer

    • Photo: Dhvanil Karia

      Dhvanil Karia answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Yes there are always times when this would happen. I am no computerized data bank to have everything ready to answer and there is nothing wrong/shameful in accepting my lack of knowledge if I do not know something. The policy is to be honest and get back to the person asking question after you get the answer. …………

      This does not mean you can tell your teacher that you will show your homework next time around ( I have learnt this the hard way around 😀 )

    • Photo: Jim O Doherty

      Jim O Doherty answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Yes, until I manage to fit the contents of wikipedia in my head I won’t know the answers to everything. In my experience, its important to be able to say “I don’t know” to someone very important instead of trying to make something up!

    • Photo: Leila Nichol

      Leila Nichol answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      It happens, but the important part is knowing where to find the answer!

    • Photo: Frank Soboczenski

      Frank Soboczenski answered on 21 Mar 2013:

      Yes, sometimes I struggle a bit but after a small break and thought I can find a clear way to explain what I want. It is important to always keep an open mind and to be honest in your answers.
