• Question: what is the worst invention ever

    Asked by jammydedicoat to Charlotte, Dhvanil, Frank, Jim, Leila on 16 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Dhvanil Karia

      Dhvanil Karia answered on 16 Mar 2013:

      It depends on how you define an invention………also no invention is bad invention
      Some inventions take a lot of resources and are not really that useful and there are plenty of these but still it an inventions…..

    • Photo: Jim O Doherty

      Jim O Doherty answered on 17 Mar 2013:

      I think a Nintendo Wii is a pretty bad invention – if you want to play sports, play sports! Computer games aren’t something you should need physical exercise for! Tamagochis (digital pets!) were pretty bad too, you might need to google that one.

    • Photo: Charlotte Kemp

      Charlotte Kemp answered on 18 Mar 2013:

      The Plastic Bag! I hate them, all they do is create more rubbish that won’t bio-degrade. I think they should be banned and we should all have reusable bags for our shopping (and i do a LOT of shopping!)

    • Photo: Frank Soboczenski

      Frank Soboczenski answered on 20 Mar 2013:

      decaffeinated coffee …its just criminal from my point as mad computer scientist….haha
