• Question: What is the most expensive mistake you have ever made?

    Asked by willmason to Charlotte, Dhvanil, Frank, Jim, Leila on 15 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Leila Nichol

      Leila Nichol answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      Some of the equipment we have is VERY expensive! I haven’t made a mistake myself (touch wood!) but I know a lot of people who have broken ionisation chambers which cost thousands, let alone the resulting man hours needed to get the calibration back. Someone else I know cracked the outer shell of a linear accelerator, these machines cost over a MILLION, luckily she didn’t damage the output but even repairing a crack in the protective surface was £££!

    • Photo: Dhvanil Karia

      Dhvanil Karia answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      For my work I have broken some glasses and material which costs in the range of £100-£1000

      Personally I have wreaked my dads motorcycle…:O
