• Question: what is partical physics and how do you start a career in partical physics

    Asked by howesy35 to Charlotte, Dhvanil, Frank, Jim, Leila on 12 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Charlotte Kemp

      Charlotte Kemp answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Particle Physics is a branch of physics studying the particles that make up matter. It involves looking at the very small and you would start a career in it by doing a physics degree that covered particle physics and taking it from there.

    • Photo: Jim O Doherty

      Jim O Doherty answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Particle Physics involves looking at the tiniest things in the world

      Have a look at this cool website which gives you an idea of the scale of objects you see every day, and objects that are so small you have to use a microscope. And objects so big you can’t stand far enough away to see them!


    • Photo: Leila Nichol

      Leila Nichol answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Particle Physics is great, you will cover this at university studying a Physics degree. I found it really interesting to study. You could go to CERN!
