• Question: if you could teleport, would it work by copying the cells and particle that make us, destroying them, the re-creating them somewhere else? also, where would you teleportif you could go anywhere?

    Asked by rawrimjo to Charlotte, Dhvanil, Frank, Jim, Leila on 15 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Leila Nichol

      Leila Nichol answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      You sound like you’re coming up with a plan to make this happen. In theory that’s how it would work, but then you’d always have the in-between space-time continuum and you wouldn’t want to get stuck there! I’d like to teleport to the top of mount Everest so I could see what it’s like without all the problems of the climb (though I wouldn’t mind climbing a little, but not all)

    • Photo: Dhvanil Karia

      Dhvanil Karia answered on 16 Mar 2013:

      You certainly seem to have a plan in position. I think we are made up of atoms and all of the atoms vibrate at a given frequency. Thus my theory is that we can identify the types of atoms and consider them as raw materials. Create the atoms/atomic configurations in the same structure vibrating at the same frequency else where and then destroy the original …it could work. What do you think?

    • Photo: Jim O Doherty

      Jim O Doherty answered on 17 Mar 2013:

      I think this is one to watch for the future! Last year there was a research group who managed to “teleport” photons (packets of energy) a distance of 88 miles using some very complicated lasers. People are now beginning to use this for even more secure communications. I think it would be possible to send the information of the object rather than the object itself. I’d teleport myself to somewhere nice every weekend for a holiday!
