• Question: do you think sleep is like a taster of what death is like?

    Asked by beckyisnotatree to Charlotte, Dhvanil, Frank, Jim, Leila on 15 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Dhvanil Karia

      Dhvanil Karia answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      Absolutely not…I think sleep is awesome …especially with the superb dreams ( at times terrible) and it refreshes you

    • Photo: Frank Soboczenski

      Frank Soboczenski answered on 21 Mar 2013:

      No! Sleep keeps our body time to rest and to recover – even heal. Besides there are all the amazing dreams and crazy ideas that could come from dreams.I just recently dreamed I built a coffee machine and microwave into a helicopter which I was flying so that I wont need to land to have a break….weird isn’t it? 🙂
